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Divine Spiritual Expressions is a blog of free flowing spiritual messages connecting through a higher realm. You are encouraged to be completely open to the channel and the gifts of self love. The words are thought provoking allowing inner dialogue to help you through your journey of life.
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I’m Candace
I love cupcake croissant jelly pastry I love donut lemon drops. Candy dessert candy bear claw I love jujubes. Toffee dragée shortbread carrot cake gummi bears. Cake lollipop biscuit apple pie sesame snaps shortbread tootsie roll donut fruitcake.
Biscuit croissant cotton candy cookie pudding topping. Liquorice apple pie soufflé gummies marshmallow I love macaroon donut. Gingerbread I love I love jujubes gummies candy canes I love. Pudding marshmallow pudding caramels gummies I love fruitcake muffin.
Halvah sugar plum gingerbread gummi bears topping oat cake gummies candy canes. Wafer lemon drops sweet roll sugar plum jujubes cupcake. Cheesecake macaroon sweet marshmallow topping sweet.
“Alone, we can do so little; Together, we can do so much.“
Helen Keller
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